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Powered by plants, these formulas gently cleanse and detox the skin of impurities, while keeping your sensitive skin intensly hydrated. Introducing...your new skin care routine! (More products in the making.)

Key Ingredients:
Flaxseed, Frankincense, Tea Tree, Hibiscus, Clove

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I created these products for me, but perfected them for you!

In my own skincare journey, I tried sooo many products and spent sooo much money only to be left with the same acne and discoloration. Every scar reminded me that I just couldn't get it right no matter what I tried. I took matters into my own hands and trusted what Mama (Nature) gave us, and just look at my results (yes, that's me here)! The insecurities faded along with my scars and I am left with a natural, balanced glow! I continue to use my products every single day and stand by my motto: Nurture with Nature.

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